エバレット・ブラウン写真展がニューオーリンズで始まりました! この投稿をInstagramで見る Journey to a corner of Japan rich in myth and folklore in #THNOC’s newest exhibition “Seeking an Open Life: Photographs of Lafcadio Hearn’s Japan.” Wait, why is this New Orleans history museum showing photos of Japan? Well, photographer Everett Kennedy Brown took these images of the Izumi District, in the southwest of the country. Much like New Orleans, the area is steeped in myth and folklore, so much so that it attracted writer Lafcadio Hearn after he spent a decade living in New Orleans—and explaining our unusual customs to the world. The images themselves were produced using 19th-century techniques and are imbued with the quiet mystery that drew Hearn to the region. This is the first time that Brown’s photographs are appearing outside of Japan, and THNOC is proud to display these fascinating works. Visit the exhibition at 410 Chartres Street now through January 5, 2020. Admission is free. #lafcadiohearn #visitthnoc . . 📸 All images ©️Everett Kennedy Brown THNOC • New Orleans History(@visit_thnoc)がシェアした投稿 – 2019年10月月10日午後4時20分PDT 共有:印刷FacebookLinkedInRedditTwitterTumblrPinterestPocketTelegramWhatsApp